Friday, April 10, 2009

Afghanistan - Here I come

A few weeks ago when this trip became a reality, I felt a rush of adrenaline, excitement and honor.  My cameraman and I were going to shoot a documentary about the civilians working in teams with the military to do reconstruction and advise the Afghanis about better ways to grow and market their crops as well as upgrade roads, schools and infrastructure.

Here I am an hour away from arriving at the airport and I'm feeling anxious, a little apprehensive but still excited to be going on this mission. I hope to be able to write as I go and give those who wish to follow my journey some insight into what's taking place.

I ask that you pray for me and the videographer,  our escorts, the soldiers and my family in my absence.

Talk to you soon!


  1. Good luck and live in the moment! We will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. Much love Miriam and Jim

  2. Take care! Be safe! Stay in touch with us when you can. Adios Senor:)
