We rise and shine early this morning as we have to pack up and get ready to leave for Kabul at noon. The din of helicopter rotors eased up just before dawn so there were actually a couple hours without noise.
This morning we plan to go to a local bazaar that is set up just on the perimeter of the base. We think this will be a great opportunity to get some local flavor. We were not dissapointed. The characters were plentiful, the wares not that great but the atmosphere was perfect. I bartered for a few cheap items and took pictures while Dave K got some good visuals.
On the way back to get our gear we stopped by the Afghan security outpost where Dave K made some friends while filming them in a spirited game of volleyball the day before. RT had decided she would donate a volleyball from a box of humanitarian supplies she had recently received, to the guys whose current volleyball had seen better days. Well, one thing led to another and somehow I found myself in the middle of a volleyball game. I played until we ran out of time and had to head over to the LZ. We said our goodbyes, took a few pictures and headed over to get our gear.
We loaded up a little transport and went to the LZ to await our ride. There was a large contingent of Polish soldiers who were being rotated out and they kept us company until the helicopter arrived. Two massive Chinooks came to pick them up but before they were loaded up our liitle Bell came. We were packed up and away in just a few minutes. It was tough to say goodbye to RT knowing she would be there for almost another year. But we said our quick goodbyes and I thanked her for all her help and coordianation along with an admonition to "stay safe!"
Our trip back to Kabul was with the same crew and security guys that we had coming in. The flight back was uneventful and we were back in Kabul in no time. Soon we were back "home" in our hooch where we unpacked, had some lunch and started to prepare for our trip out to our next destination tomorrow. I spent the next few hours catching up on my blogs, cleaning up, doing laundry and packing for the 100 degree environment we are heading into.
I will be away for the next 4 days and we should return on Thursday if all goes well. I am told we might have some ability to get on the Internet occasionally. If that is true then I will make every attempt to get some word out on our status.
I appreciate the folks following my blog and the comments make me feel like the effort is worth it. Please continue to send us positive thoughts and keep the prayers going. Love to all...
David, Love the scarf and cap! You're definitely aclimating to the native scene. Hoped you spiked some good ones in the volleyball game. What a great opportunity for some fun PR. Take care and God bless. Debra