Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mission #1 Day 2

I am up at the crack of dawn to the sounds of multiple helicopters coming or going - I can't tell. After getting dressed, Dave K and I are met by RT and she escorts us to the mess hall. As I walk across the base I find myself smiling thinking about what being here reminds me of. It's like MASH the television series - only times 100! Military trucks of every size are coming and going, HUMVEES are parked everywhere, along with some small tank-like vehicles that are obviously Polish. There is constant motion - so many soldiers of varying sizes, shapes and age.

We enter the mess hall to find controlled chaos and a great breakfast. When we're finished, RT and I head off to meet with the Polish base commander. He is a friendly outgoing character who speaks excellent english. I set up a time for an interview and we're off to meet and greet others I intend to interview.

The day is very productive and we get through the day with little or no problems and lots of cooperation. It is a restful evening and after another unusual meal of lobster tails, shrimp and fried rice (these soldies eat very well) I get a few minutes on RT's computer to send a few emails to Sandy and Jason.

After my last visit to the outdoors :) I walked back with my flashlight and decided to turn it off and look at the stars. What a sight! With no light pollution the sky was completly filled with stars of all sizes. It was then I saw Orion and remembered telling Jason and Sandy that if they looked up and saw Orion, they could think of me as I would be looking for it from the other side of the world.
I finally settle into my sleeping bag (we have a bed but it just has a mattress, no sheets), watch an episode of The Office on my Itouch and slip off into some fitful sleep. It's fitful because all night long the helicopters keep coming and going...oh well, tomorrow I will be on one of them heading back to Kabul.

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