Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well after a long but comfortable 15 hour flight from Atlanta, I am in my luxury hotel room at the Intercontinental. Now don't think anything about the "luxury" since my guess is there are ONLY luxury hotels in Dubai.

I actually got to sleep on the plane, something I can never do, but this time the plane was relatively empty and not only did I get a bulkhead seat, I got to sleep across 3 seats which was comfortable enough to get me off to sleep for a few hours.

Dave K and I made it through customs with the usual Q&A's when you have an official passport and all the gear we carry. We were picked up by the hotel in a car and whisked to the hotel in no time. There we were greeted by our personal guest relations representative and taken directly to our room - no check-in necessary!

Now I will bask in the comforts of this hotel room, take my last hot shower and try and get some rest. Tomorrow all this ends and the unknown lies ahead. I will definitely look forward to returning on my outbound trip knowing what awaits :)

Next post will hopefully be from to you then...

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